The Guard of 2022 was an underdog if ever there was one. How else would you describe 40+ brand new members, and the 16 fearless returnees who took them from civvies to their first sequence to spectacular Sunset Ceremonies in just a few short weeks?
Remember your recruit phase? I’m willing to bet that you benefitted not only from the NCOs on the square, but also from the returning Guard in your locker room. Those invaluable tips on getting a good shine, drill technique, favourite tour lines, and how to keep smiling with you’re asked for the millionth time, “Aren’t you hot in that?”.
Now imagine the only folks in your locker room are other rookies just like you.
I know I don’t have to tell you about the value of Guard returning to Fort Henry summer after summer. That’s why I hope you’ll join me and many other Guard alumni and supporters this Giving Tuesday in making a gift in support of the Fort Henry Guard Foundation’s new Commitment to Excellence Award – cash awards to encourage the return of programming staff each summer.
At the annual Awards Night that took place in August, the Guard Club presented each of the 16 extraordinary returnees with a $500 award in recognition of their dedication, leadership, and the crucial role returning staff have in keeping alive the very best of our FHG traditions.
And this past summer was just the start. We know that rebuilding the Guard will take several summers, and its future success will rely on members who return year after year. Your gift today will help the Foundation deliver Commitment to Excellence Awards to returning members again next summer, encouraging the entire Guard of 2022 to continue the great work they started.
Huzzah to the Fort Henry Guard of 2022, and huzzah to the generous Guard alumni like you who help make the future of the Guard even brighter!
With thanks.
Matt Archibald, FHG 1826
Director, Fort Henry Guard Foundation