The Fort Henry Guard Club of Canada’s 2023 Annual General Meeting took place on Sunday, August 6 in Magazine M at Fort Henry. Thanks to all of the members who attended, both in person and on-line – it was by far the largest turnout for an AGM we’ve had in many years.
During the AGM, four new members were elected to the Board of Directors for two-year terms. We are happy to welcome:
Michael McKitrick, FHG 2283
Zoe Robinson, FHG 1267
Cole Strange, FHG 2188
Colin Watts, FHG 2334
And we offer our sincere thanks to those Directors who are leaving the Board:
Sara Briginshaw, FHG 2084
Sean O’Donnell, FHG 1737
Daniel Rose, FHG 2186
Cameron Smith, FHG 2358
In addition, the following Directors will continue in their current roles on the Executive for 2023-2024:
Michael Murphy, FHG 2231 President
Chris Dearlove, FHG 1692 Vice-President