We were saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Ronald Blair, FHG 1219, on August 31, 2022.  Ron grew up in Kingston, and was a proud member of the Fort Henry Guard, which he joined in 1983.  After graduating from St. Francis Xavier University, he had a successful career as a CFO and consultant for several Ottawa-based tech companies.

Donations in Ron’s memory may be made to the Ottawa Heart Institute or the Ottawa Food Bank.

We extend our sincere condolences to Ron’s wife Sandra, his children Jacob and Samantha, and to his family and friends.

Obituary:  Tubman Funeral Homes

The annual Fort Henry Guard Awards Night, which took place on August 30, concluded with a very special announcement.  Rob Hamilton, FHG 1741, shared the news that the Fort Henry Guard Foundation has created the Commitment to Excellence Award, which recognizes the importance of returning Guard.  16 members of Fort Henry’s programming staff were each presented with the inaugural $500 award in recognition of their significant contributions this past summer rebuilding the Fort Henry Guard. 

We extend our sincere thanks to Shaundra Buelow, Jordan Clark, Anna Holden, Ethan Krause, Nicholas Lafreniere, Hailey Leslie, Caitlin McAllister, Amberlyn McDougald, Jeff McPherson, Anthony Pacheco, Cameron Turner, Michael Valiquette, Josh Vivian, Colin Watts, Peter Webb and Erin Woznow.  Without their dedication and perseverance, it’s hard to imagine the Guard would have returned as quickly, and as strongly, as it did over the past four months.

Learn more about this vitally important initiative, and about how you can support next year’s Commitment to Excellence Award, in this message from FHGCC President Alex McLean.



The Fort Henry Guard Foundation promotes and supports the Fort Henry Guard as a military animation/interpretive unit at Fort Henry National Historic Site of Canada, a living museum for the display of authentic British military music and drill of the mid-19th century for the education and enjoyment of Fort Henry visitors.

As has been felt in performance groups and living history sites around the world, the Fort Henry Guard saw great reduction in its operations since the global COVID-19 pandemic began. The Fort Henry Guard is a group of Victorian-era military and civilian living history interpreters consisting of university and college students working at Fort Henry each spring and summer. Fort Henry’s living history programming relies on experienced programming staff returning year over year at all levels to provide stability and to pass on their knowledge and experience to new staff. The key to the Fort Henry Guard’s world class renown, excellence in performance, and future growth rests with these returning staff and the acknowledgement for their hard work deserves recognition and support.

The Fort Henry Guard Foundation’s mandate is to support the Fort Henry Guard and therefore has established the Fort Henry Guard Foundation Commitment to Excellence Award to recognize the importance of returning Fort Henry programming staff. At the Fort Henry Guard Club Awards Ceremony held in August 2022, sixteen returning programming staff members each received $500.00 in recognition of their commitment to excellence, their outstanding work in leading the rebuilding of the Fort Henry Guard and espousing its traditions. Recognizing that the Fort Henry Guard rebuild is a multi-year process, the Fort Henry Guard Foundation has committed to continue this award program for the 2023 season and will award returning eligible Fort Henry programming staff members at the Annual Awards Night in August 2023. The Fort Henry Guard Foundation stands with the Fort Henry Guard and truly embodies the motto of the Fort Henry Guard: Et Nos Meremur – We Also Serve.

The Foundation wishes to thank the incredible generosity of the Fort Henry Guard Club members and Fort Henry Guard alumni and supporters who have donated over the years. It is thanks to those donors that this new award program exists. Those wishing to donate can do so here.

Alex McLean (he/him)


Fort Henry Guard Foundation & Fort Henry Guard Club of Canada

For the first time since 2019, the annual Fort Henry Guard Awards were presented on August 30, 2022.  Members of this year’s Guard, FHGCC board members, and invited guests, including Honorary Guard Commander Major-General Lewis MacKenzie, gathered in the Great Hall at Fort Henry to celebrate the Guard’s many accomplishments over the previous four months.

This year’s award winners, presenters and guests.

This year’s event was hosted by board member Matt Archibald, FHG 1826, who did a fantastic job, and featured the presentation of 14 awards, including the newly created Domestic Interpreter award, which recognizes the Domestic Interpreter who best exhibits excellence in leading guided tours, portraying the domestic life of the garrison, and other interpretive duties. 

The event concluded with a very special surprise – the announcement of the Fort Henry Guard Foundation Commitment to
Excellence Award, which recognizes the importance of returning Fort Henry programming staff.  Board member Rob Hamilton, FHG 1741, presented sixteen returning programming staff members with the $500.00 award in recognition of their commitment to excellence, their outstanding work in leading the rebuilding of the Fort Henry Guard and espousing its traditions.  Stay tuned for more information about this important initiative, including how you can lend your support to next year’s program.

Click here for a list of all of this year’s nominees and award recipients, as well as photos of the winners and presenters.

Special thanks to everyone who donated to support this year’s awards – your sponsorship is greatly appreciated.

The Annual General Meeting of the Fort Henry Guard Club of Canada took place in a hybrid format on August 30, 2022.  Twenty members were in attendance, either in person in the Great Hall at Fort Henry, or online via Zoom.

A total of six members were elected to the Board of Directors for a 2-year term:

FHG 2100 Alex McLean
FHG 1826 Matthew Archibald
FHG 1741 Rob Hamilton
FHG 1692 Chris Dearlove
FHG 593 Tom Little
FHG 2172 Emilie Coyle

In addition, Alex McLean was acclaimed as President, and Chris Dearlove was acclaimed as Vice-President.

Thank you to all those members who took part in the AGM, and to those members who agreed to stand for re-election.

The Annual General Meeting of the Fort Henry Guard Club of Canada will be held on Tuesday, August 30 at 4:30 pm.

This year’s AGM will use a hybrid format, and members can either participate in person at the Fort Henry Great Hall (formerly called the Discovery Centre) or on-line via Zoom.

Any member in good standing who wishes to attend virtually can sign up using this Google form – we’ll then e-mail you the Zoom link, agenda and reports in advance of the meeting.

Please sign up for the AGM by Sunday, August 28 so we have time to send you all of the materials in a timely fashion.

Fort Henry has just announced that Sunset Ceremonies are back!  The Fort Henry Guard will do two shows to close out the 2022 season:  Wednesday, August 24, and Wednesday, August 31.

Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard to make this possible over the past three months – to the Seniors and Junior NCO’s for their leadership and teaching, and to the many rookies who have gone from learning basic foot drill to doing a complete show in such a short time. 

We hope many former members will be there to cheer on this year’s Guard.  Tickets are now on sale, and can be purchased here.

The Fort Henry Guard Club of Canada’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 30 at 4:30 pm.  This year’s AGM will use a hybrid format, and members can either participate in person at the Fort Henry Great Hall (formerly called the Discovery Centre) or on-line.  For those wishing to join us virtually, more information about registration will be shared shortly.

In the meantime, the Board nominations report can be found here.

Walter William Gulka, FHG 171, was a member of the 1949 Fort Henry Guard for only one year. I had talked him into joining because of his tremendous musical talent and thought he could train more buglers and fifers, but the Director was more focused on a fife band. He left the Guard after the one season for a better paying summer job.

Walt was born on September 18, 1931 in Toronto and his family moved to Kingston in 1943. He joined the Grade 8 class at Rideau Public School , went to KCVI and then to the University of Toronto where he was also the conductor of the U of T Marching Band. He had an exceptionally successful career as an educator and as a professional musician. He was a principal at several Toronto high schools before moving to Thunder Bay in 1970 where his wife Lillian’s family was from. He was principal at several high schools there as well.

During the 1950’s and 60’s he played trombone professionally with many of the leading dance bands in Muskoka and Toronto, playing with some of the top entertainers of the era. In Thunder Bay he spent 44 years with the Thunder Bay Symphony, retiring at age 80.

He moved to an Ottawa retirement residence in 2021 to be closer to his family there and passed away on May 29, 2022. He is survived by his daughters Lianne, Leslie and Larissa, grandson Marko, several nieces and nephews and sons-in-law, as well as his sister and brother-in-law Joanne and Roger Campbell. Lillian passed away in 2011.

It was written about Walt that as much as he embraced life, life certainly embraced him.

By Doug Thompson, FHG 154