The annual Fort Henry Guard Awards Night, which took place on August 30, concluded with a very special announcement. Rob Hamilton, FHG 1741, shared the news that the Fort Henry Guard Foundation has created the Commitment to Excellence Award, which recognizes the importance of returning Guard. 16 members of Fort Henry’s programming staff were each presented with the inaugural $500 award in recognition of their significant contributions this past summer rebuilding the Fort Henry Guard.

We extend our sincere thanks to Shaundra Buelow, Jordan Clark, Anna Holden, Ethan Krause, Nicholas Lafreniere, Hailey Leslie, Caitlin McAllister, Amberlyn McDougald, Jeff McPherson, Anthony Pacheco, Cameron Turner, Michael Valiquette, Josh Vivian, Colin Watts, Peter Webb and Erin Woznow. Without their dedication and perseverance, it’s hard to imagine the Guard would have returned as quickly, and as strongly, as it did over the past four months.
Learn more about this vitally important initiative, and about how you can support next year’s Commitment to Excellence Award, in this message from FHGCC President Alex McLean.
The Fort Henry Guard Foundation promotes and supports the Fort Henry Guard as a military animation/interpretive unit at Fort Henry National Historic Site of Canada, a living museum for the display of authentic British military music and drill of the mid-19th century for the education and enjoyment of Fort Henry visitors.
As has been felt in performance groups and living history sites around the world, the Fort Henry Guard saw great reduction in its operations since the global COVID-19 pandemic began. The Fort Henry Guard is a group of Victorian-era military and civilian living history interpreters consisting of university and college students working at Fort Henry each spring and summer. Fort Henry’s living history programming relies on experienced programming staff returning year over year at all levels to provide stability and to pass on their knowledge and experience to new staff. The key to the Fort Henry Guard’s world class renown, excellence in performance, and future growth rests with these returning staff and the acknowledgement for their hard work deserves recognition and support.
The Fort Henry Guard Foundation’s mandate is to support the Fort Henry Guard and therefore has established the Fort Henry Guard Foundation Commitment to Excellence Award to recognize the importance of returning Fort Henry programming staff. At the Fort Henry Guard Club Awards Ceremony held in August 2022, sixteen returning programming staff members each received $500.00 in recognition of their commitment to excellence, their outstanding work in leading the rebuilding of the Fort Henry Guard and espousing its traditions. Recognizing that the Fort Henry Guard rebuild is a multi-year process, the Fort Henry Guard Foundation has committed to continue this award program for the 2023 season and will award returning eligible Fort Henry programming staff members at the Annual Awards Night in August 2023. The Fort Henry Guard Foundation stands with the Fort Henry Guard and truly embodies the motto of the Fort Henry Guard: Et Nos Meremur – We Also Serve.
The Foundation wishes to thank the incredible generosity of the Fort Henry Guard Club members and Fort Henry Guard alumni and supporters who have donated over the years. It is thanks to those donors that this new award program exists. Those wishing to donate can do so here.
Alex McLean (he/him)
Fort Henry Guard Foundation & Fort Henry Guard Club of Canada