Fort Henry Guard Foundation

Donations to the Fort Henry Guard Foundation may be made through PayPal to, or by e-transfer to 

You can also make a donation by cheque, payable to “The Fort Henry Guard Foundation Inc.”.  Cheques can be mailed to the Club’s address, which you can find at the bottom of the Contact Us page.

Please ensure you provide your updated contact information in your PayPal payment, in the comment section of the e-transfer, or with your cheque so that a charitable donation receipt may be sent to you following your donation.  

For more information on donations to the Foundation, please contact us at

Thank you for your support!

The “Fort Henry Guard Foundation Inc.” is a registered Canadian charity that promotes and supports the Fort Henry Guard as a military animation/interpretive unit at Fort Henry.  Registration No. 84750 2325 RR0001. 

Thank You to Our Donors

The Fort Henry Guard Foundation is grateful for the funding that has been received from members of the Fort Henry Guard Club. The donations contribute to the objective of supporting the Guard, which is especially important in these uncertain times.

General Donations

FHG 637 Scott Davidson
FHG 712 Bill Partridge
FHG 809 Robert Reade
FHG 1055 Don Cranston & Megan Hill Fund (Multiple Donations)
FHG 1525 Scott Fraser (Multiple Donations)

Awards Program Annual Support

Lucille Crawford (in memory of FHG 25 Truman Crawford)
FHG 705 John Grenville
FHG 934 Dave McClurg
FHG 950 Steve Mecredy & Darlene Mecredy
FHG 951 Wayne Moug
FHG 1022 Martin Blaser & A-17 Anne Blaser
FHG 1052 Richard Wigginton
FHG 1218 Dave Berry
FHG 1574 Cameron Doerksen
FHG 1642 Tim DeVito
FHG 1645 Chris Goodridge
FHG 1669 Mark Downie
FHG 1690 Jill Goodridge
FHG 1675 Bronwen & FHG 1692 Chris Dearlove
FHG 1711 Shawn Graham
FHG 1716 Brian O’Neill
FHG 1741 Rob Hamilton
FHG 1746 John Gillis
FHG 1756 Richard Grace
FHG 1781 David Rankine
FHG 1794 Nancy Hunter
FHG 1841 Colin Nickel
FHG 2231 Michael Murphy
FHI 14-02 Sara Murphy