The Annual General Meeting of the Fort Henry Guard Club of Canada will be held on Tuesday, August 27 at 4:30 pm. This year’s AGM will use a hybrid format, and members can either participate in person at the Fort Henry Great Hall or on-line via Zoom.

You can register for the event by clicking here. We will send out the agenda, reports, and Zoom link to all who have registered in advance of the AGM. All FHGCC members in good standing are eligible to attend.

Please be advised that special resolutions will be considered at this year’s Annual General Meeting, to bring the Club into compliance with the new Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, as advised by the Club’s solicitor. Whether you are able to attend the AGM or not, you may access PDF versions of the special resolutions by clicking each of the links below. If you have any questions or comments about the resolutions, please contact me at

  1. Special Resolution Authorizing Articles of Amendment
  2. Special Resolution Authorizing Transition Memorandum
  3. Special Resolution Authorizing Amendments to the By-laws
  4. Special Resolution Authorizing Head Office
  5. Special Resolution Authorizing Number of Directors

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Michael Murphy, FHGCC President

FHG 2231